Tea shop based in Los Angeles, CA, specialized in bubble tea with various toppings including tapioca (boba).
Agency: Jacobson Rost – Chicago, IL.
CD: Janson Straub
AD/Designer: Luca Pontarelli
CW: Raymond Johnson
Contemporary collective art show in Isernia, Italy.
Special wine bottle labels based on the Nelson’s family trip to Africa.
Gold winner of the 2015 Davey Awards, under the category Design/Print (Corporate Identity – Other).
Involved in the initial concept to design and production for the 2015, 2016 and 2017 campaigns.
My role consisted of helping in concept development and design contents for products brochures, print ads, video supers, digital ads and retail materials.
CD: Tom Gorton
AD/Designer: Luca Pontarelli
CW: Bryce Wergin
Agency: Jacobson Rost – Chicago, IL.